Michael's Tech Notes
Michael's Tech Notes

Software Screenshot Galleries

Relevant Notes:


Some pictures from my newest application.

Data File Search and Copy:


Some pictures from my File Search and Copy utility.

Bible Promises:

Some pictures from Bible Promises.

Ready Bible Study & Reference:


This first gallery is for Ready Bible Study and Reference, a freeware application with numerous resources, some unique and it is very lightweight for Bible Study. All windows may also be queued up for Audio Playback.

Get Exercise:


This second gallery is for Get Exercise, a freeware application with numerous exercises for people who spend all day (and/or night) at a computer. Reminders and instructions for stretching are easy to configure. Light aerobic and circuit training reminder may be set for any day(s) and times of the week.

Memory Hogs:


This third gallery is for Memory Hogs, a freeware application with numerous methods of alerting users to PC performance statistics.

Click Eye Reminder:


If you have one eye that is dominant when you are using a computer then this program can remind you to switch back and forth between eyes. Hopefully, this will help strengthen the weaker eye.